A One Day Interactive Online Talk on the occasion of International Women’s Day, 2023 was jointly organized by the Department of English and the Department of Statistics in association with the IQAC and Women Cell on 08th March, 2023. The UN’s theme for International Women’s Day 2023, “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality” was taken as the theme for the insightful session. It was inaugurated by Dr. Irani Saikia, Assistant Prof. of Statistics as well as the Co-Ordinator of the Women Cell. The speakers for the event were Ms. Mainu Teronpi, Assistant Professor of English, C.K.B. College, Teok and Ms. Abhilasha Borah, Senior Journalist, News Live who enlightened the participants about the gendered digital divide that requires to be addressed urgently and bridged through proper connectivity. They talked about their own experiences while accentuating their respective points. The participants included both students and teachers from different educational backgrounds. There were participants from Golaghat Purbanchalik College, Golaghat Engineering College, Dibrugarh University, Kamrup College, Behali Degree College, Nagaon College of Education and Sivsagar College apart from Pandit Deendayal Upadhaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya, Behali. Convenors Ms. Elbani L. Hrangkhol and Ms. Anannya Nath, Assistant Professors of English hosted and moderated the session respectively. The feedback received was also encouraging as participants found the initiative informative and valuable and looked forward to more such future events.