পণ্ডিত দীনদয়াল উপাধ্যায় আদৰ্শ মহাবিদ্যালয়


পণ্ডিত দীনদয়াল উপাধ্যায় আদৰ্শ মহাবিদ্যালয়, বিহালী


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Ratowa, Gingia, Biswanath

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পণ্ডিত দীনদয়াল উপাধ্যায় আদৰ্শ মহাবিদ্যালয়, বিহালী

(Govt. Model College)
Ratowa, Gingia, Biswanath
Assam, Pin:784 184


Dr. Bandita Talukdar

M.Sc, B.Ed, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Zoology

Area of Interest

Genotoxicity, nutrient profiling, Aquaculture, Fish breeding


DegreeYearInstitutionMajor Subject/Area
B.Sc2010Handique Girls’ College, Assam, India Zoology (Hons)
M.Sc 2017Gauhati University, Assam, India Zoology (Specialization: Cell and Molecular Biology)
B.Ed 2013Gauhati University, Assam, IndiaEducation
Ph.D 2016Gauhati University, Assam, India Zoology (Genotoxicity)

Ph.D Title

Effects of coal mining on the ecosystem of Simsang River, Garo hills, Meghalaya  with reference to toxicity potential of AMD on certain fish species.

Teaching Experiences

Positions held Name of the Institute FromTo
JRF (DBT) Gauhati University, Assam, India 01/12/2012 30/11/2014
SRF (DBT) Gauhati University, Assam, India 01/12/2014 31/11/2015
SRF(ICMR) Gauhati University, Assam, India 01/12/2015 30/06/2017
Assistant Professor Department of Zoology, PDUAM, Behali, Biswanath, Assam, India 09/08/2017 Till Date

Research Paper

  • B.Talukdar, H.K.Kalita, S.Basumatary, D. J. Saikia and D.Sarma (2017) Cytotoxic and  Genotoxic Affects of Acid Mine Drainage on Fish Channa punctata (Bloch). Ecotoxicology and  Environmental Safety. 144:72-78. (Elsvier, Impact factor-6.29) 
  • Talukdar, B., Kalita, H. K., Baishya, R. A., Basumatary, S. & Sarma, D. (2016). Evaluation of  genetic toxicity caused by Acid Mine Drainage of coal mines on fish fauna of Simsang River,  Garohills, Meghalaya, India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 131:65-71. (Elsvier,  Impact factor-6.29) 
  • Talukdar, B., Kalita, H.K., Baishya, R.A., Basumatary, S., Dutta, A., Srivastava, S.K. and  Sarma, D. (2017). Effect of Acid Mine Drainage of coal mines on some haematological parameters of Channa punctatus (Bloch). National Academy of Science Letters.40(2):91-94.  (Springer, Impact factor-0.76) 
  • Talukdar, B., Jabeen, F., Kalita, H.K., Basumatary, S., Choudhury, H., & Sarma, D. (2017)  Length-weight relationships of two Nemacheilid fish species Schistura fasciata (Lokeshwor and  Vishwanath, 2011) and Schistura reticulofasciata (Singh and Banarescu, 1982) from Simsang  River, Meghalaya, India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.33(5).Doi.10.1111/jai.13410. (Wiley  Online Library. Impact factor-0.892)
  • Talukdar, B., Kalita, H. K., Baishya, R. A., Basumatary, S., Dutta, A., Srivastava, S.K. and  Sarma, D. (2016). Effect of Acid Mine Drainage of coal mining on total protein content of muscle  and liver in a freshwater fish, Channa punctatus (Bloch). National Academy of Science Letters.  39(3): 171-173. (Springer, Impact factor-0.76) 
  • Talukdar, B., Basumatary, S., Kalita, H. K., Baishya, R. A., Dutta, A., Srivastava, S. K. and  Sarma, D. (2015). Histopathological alternations in liver and kidney of Tor tor (Ham) inhabited  in coal mining affected areas of Simsang River, Garohills; Meghalaya. National Academy of  Science Letters. 38 (4): 321-324. (Springer, Impact factor-0.76) 
  • Saikia. D.J., Chattopadhyay, P.,Banarjee, G., Talukdar, B., & Sarma, D. (2017) Identification  and pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa DJ1990 on Tail and Fin Rot Disease in Spotted  Snakefish. Journal of World Aquaculture Society. Doi. 10.1111/jwas.12476. (Wiley Online  Library. Impact factor-2.512) 
  • Basumatary, S., Choudhury, H., Talukdar, B., & Sarma, D. (2017). Length-weight relationships  (LWRs) of four freshwater fish species from Brahmaputra and Barak river basins, northeast India.  Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 34(1) Doi. 10.1111/jai.13536. (Wiley Online Library. Impact  factor-0.892) 
  • Basumatary, S., Jabeen, F., Choudhury, H., Talukdar, B., Kalita, H.K., & Sarma, D. (2017).  Length Length-weight relationships of Garra birostris (Nebeshwar & Vishwanath, 2013), Garra  annandalei (Hora, 1921), Johnius coitor (Hamilton, 1882) and Raimas bola (Hamilton, 1822)  from Brahmaputra River basin, Northeast India. Journal of Applied  Ichthyology.33(6):e13440.Doi.10.1111/jai13440. (Wiley Online Library. Impact factor-0.892)
  • Basumatary, S., Choudhury, H., Talukdar, B., Kalita H. K., & Sarma, D. (2017). Length-weight  relationships of three small indigenous species of fish from the Lower Brahmaputra, Northeast  India. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 33(3).Doi.10/1111/jai.13274. (Wiley Online Library.  Impact factor-0.892)
  •  Talukdar, B., Kalita, H. K.., Basumatary, S. & Dandadhar, D. (2016). Impact of Coal Minimg on  Soil Characteristics of Simsang River, Meghalaya, India. Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable  Energy and Applications. 6(6): DOI: 10.4172/2090-4541.1000219. 
  • Talukdar, B., Milli, S., Kalita, H.K., and Sarma, D., (2016) Karyology of Puntius Sophore  (Pisces, Cypriniformes) from the Brahmaputra River, Assam, India. Poultry, Fisheries & wildlife Sciences. DOI: 4172/2375 -446X.1000167. 
  • Talukdar, B., Das, J., Kalita, H.K., Baishya, R.A., Basumatary, S., and Sarma, D. (2016). Impact  of open cast coal mining on Fish and Fisheries of Simsang River, Meghalaya, India. Journal of  Marine Science: Research and Development. Doi. 10.4172/2155-9910.1000214.
  • Talukdar, B., Kalita, H.K., Baishya, R.A., Basumatary, S., Dutta, A. and Sarma, D. (2015).  Determination of the level of some heavy metals on water collected from two coal mining  affected areas of Simsang river, Garohills: Meghalaya. Tropical Zoology. 5:107-112. 
  • Kalita, H.K., Talukdar, B., Baishya, R.A., Basumatary, S., Barman, R.ch. and Sarma, D.  (2017).Community based integrated fish-duck farming: A boon for rural development in agro  climatic conditions of Assam, India. Aquaculture Asia Magazine(NACA) Page No: 15-21
  • Jabeen F, Talukdar B, Kalita HK and Sarma D (2017) Fecundity of the lesser barilius bendelisis (Hamilton, 1807) from Manas river, Assam, India. Poultry, Fisheries & wildlife Sciences. DOI: 4172/2375 -446X.1000172.
  • Basumatary S, Talukdar B,Choudhury H, Kalita HK, Saikia DJ, Mazumder A and Sarma D (2017) Female Gonadal Histology of Indian River Shad, Gudusia Chapra(Hamilton 1822) – A Tactic of Reproductive Biology. Poultry, Fisheries & wildlife Sciences. DOI: 4172/2375 – 446X.1000173.
  • Kalita, H. K., Talukdar, B., Baishya, R. A., Basumatary, S., Das, J., Dutta, A., Srivastava, S. K. and Sarma, D. (2015). Role of duck droppings on pond productivity through fish cum duck integrated farming system in agro climatic condition of Assam. Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology. 14 (3): 541-543.
  • Kalita, H.K., Talukdar, B., Baishya, R.A., Basumatary, S., Dutta, A. and Sarma, D. (2015). Impact of duck droppings on zooplankton diversity and water quality in an integrated duck cum fish pond of kamrup district, Assam. Tropical Zoology. 5:216-226.
  • Jabeen, F., Talukdar, B., Basumatary, S., Baishya, R.A., Dutta, A. and Sarma, D. (2015). Ornamental Fish Fauna of Manas-Beki River System, Present status, Threats and Conservation Approach. Tropical Zoology. 5:113-120.
  • Basumatary, S., Baishya, R. A., Talukdar, B., Kalita, H. K., Dutta, A., Goswami, U. C., Srivastava, S. K. & Sarma, D. (2014). Diversity of small indigenous species (SIS) of fish in the lower reaches of River Brahmaputra, Assam. Ecology, Environment & Conservation. 20 (4): 1817–1824.
  • Baishya, R. A., Basumatary, S., Kalita, H. K., Talukdar, B., Dutta, A., Srivastava, S. K. and Sarma, D. (2016). Present status and diversity of small indigenous fish species (SIS) in the upper reaches of River Brahmaputra, Assam. Indian Journal of Fisheries. 63 (1): 1-7. DOI:10.21077//ijf.2016.63.1.41764-01.
  • Baishya, R.A., Basumatary, S., Kalita, H.K., Talukdar, B., Dutta, A. and Sarma, D. (2015). Indigenous ornamental fish species of River Brahmaputra: Diversity, distribution and conservation issues. Tropical Zoology. 5:47-59.
  • Basumatary, S., Baishya, R.A., Saikia, D.J., Kalita, H.K., Talukdar, B., Dutta, A. and Sarma, D. (2015). A preliminary study on plankton diversity in lower reaches of the river Brahmaputra, in Dhubri district, Assam, India. Tropical Zoology. 5:190-196.

Books Published

  1. Dr. Bandita Talukdar & Gayatree Hazarika (2022) Molecular Biology. As per CBCS  syllabus of Gauhati University and Dibrugarh University (For B.Sc. 5th Semester Zoology  (Honours) Course). Ashok book stall. [ISBN:978-93-90942-11-4]. 

  2. Bandita Talukdar & Dandadhar Sarma (2017) Impact of coal mining on fish & fisheries of  Simsang River, Meghalaya. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. [ISBN:978-3-330- 05858-3].  

Books Chapters Published

  1. Bandita Talukdar (2021) Characterization of traditional fermented missing tribe product  Numsing from Northeast India. In: Dr. Jugabrat Das (Eds.) Advances in animal research. Global  Net Publication. [ISBN No.: 978-93-91166-56-4]. 
  2. Bandita Talukdar & Dandadhar Sarma (2017) A study on the toxic effect of some pesticides in fish. In: Anthropogenic threats to biodiversity, Vol- II. Publishers: Morigaon College, Assam. [ISBN No.: 978-93-84679-54-5].
  3. D. Sarma, B. Talukdar, S. Basumatary, R.A. Baishya, H.K. Kalita, J. Das, J. Pandey, S. Mallik, N. Shahi, D. Sarma and A. Dutta (2014). Impact of open cast mining on aquatic Biota of Simsang River, Garohills, Meghalaya. In: M.S. Sheikh (Eds.) Biodiversity Threats and Conservation. Vol II. Publishers: Global Publishing House India [ISBN No.: 978-93-81563-48-9].